
Document biodiversity to save the planet

Join the Microsoft Alumni Network Community Collection Project

Every single Microsoft alum around the world is affected by climate change. Now, we have the opportunity within our collective Microsoft alumni community to contribute to a more sustainable world.

Join the Microsoft Alumni Network for this world-wide Earth Month volunteer project with iNaturalist to protect biodiversity around the world. 

iNaturalist is a joint initiative by National Geographic and the California Academy of Sciences which allows participants to identify different species of plants, animals and fungi in their communities to help scientists collect data and protect natural species. 

This year, we’re volunteering alongside Microsoft employees to help identify and track flora and fauna where we live, work and play. Our volunteer project is called the Microsoft Alumni Network Community Collection Project.

Every single observation you make on iNaturalist contributes to biodiversity science. The snap of a snapdragon, close-up of a critter on your hike, and the other nature pictures you’re already taking during your daily walks, trips to the park or family vacations are valuable!

By participating in the project and observing nature in your area, you can provide resources and data to scientists on the frontlines and scientific data repositories that are protecting biodiversity. You can also learn more about what lives in your area!

Let’s get outside together to contribute to protecting our planet! Check out Microsoft’s iNaturalist project here to see what Microsoft FTEs are observing around the world, too. Then, grab your phones and cameras and get up close with nature.



  Select the “Sign Up” option.

  Enter your email address, create a username, create a password, confirm password and agree to the terms and conditions.

  Find the “Community” tab in the top menu of the website and select “Projects.” Under “Projects” search “Microsoft Alumni Network Community Collection Project” and join!

  Download the iNaturalist mobile app to use on the go and start making your observations.

Uploading Observations

Get outside and observe an individual organism. Pick something wild and take a clear, full frame photo. If you already have a photo of something wild, add it now. You can also use the iNaturalist mobile app to record observations. 

How to make an observation:

  1. Take a photo directly from the mobile app or upload from your camera roll/saved images. 
  2. Select “What did you see?” This feature may provide suggestions based on an AI formula or you can make the identification on your own. If there are no suggestions and you do not know, you can use general language like “bird” or “flower.” Fellow iNaturalist users can go in after you post and add a more specific observation.  
  3. Assign a date to the observation. If you are uploading the image from your mobile phone a date/time may already be added. If not, get as close to the date as possible.  
  4. Add the location of the observation. The location may already be assigned. If not, you can add a general (or specific) location as to where the observation was made using the search function. 
  5. You have the option to select your geoprivacy. The default setting is “open” but you can also choose “obscured” or “private.” 
  6. Select whether or not the observation is “captive/cultivated.” Captive/cultivated means that the observation is NOT found in nature. This can either be a house pet or planted flower. Select “yes” if the observation is captive/cultivated.  
  7. When you've completed the observation, select “share” to post your observation to the Microsoft Alumni Community Collection Project
